Relieve Depression Through Hypnotherapy


Depressed_ManIn any given year, about seven percent - between 13 million and 14 million people - will experience a depressive disorder.  Of those who develop depression/anxiety, only about 20 percent will receive adequate treatment.

About 16 percent of adults will experience depression/anxiety at some point in their life.  About 97 percent of those reporting depression/anxiety also reported that their work, home life and relationships suffered as a result.

According to Health Canada and Statistics Canada, approximately 8% of adult Canadians will experience a major depression/anxiety at some point in their lives, and around 5% will in a given year.

Depression/anxiety continues to be Canada's fastest-rising diagnosis. From 1994 to 2004, visits for depression/anxiety made to office-based doctors almost doubled. In 2003, that meant 11.6 million visits to doctors across Canada about depression/anxiety.

Because Hypnotherapy focuses on effecting change in our subconscious mind, at A Load Off Your Mind Hypnotherapy, I have found it to be extremely helpful in relieving the symptoms of, and dealing with, the causes of depression, helping clients to feel much more resourceful and positive. The reasons why hypnotherapy is so effective at relieving the symptoms and causes of depression are outlined below.

Some people say that depression feels like a black cloud of despair coming down over their lives. Some say they have no energy and can't concentrate, others feel irritable for no apparent reason and others have extreme difficulty sleeping. But whilst the symptoms of depression may vary from person to person, one thing is clear; it is one of the most debilitating conditions of modern times.

If you’re suffering from depression, you may feel 'alone', whereas in fact this is far from the case. Statistics show that as many as one in six people will suffer with some form of depression at some point during their lives. But due to the stigma that still seems to be attached to depression even today, a lot of people still chose to go through life without ever seeking help, accepting that depression is just 'part of them' or a secret they have to keep tightly.

Well you can change that - depression is very treatable. There are a wide variety of medications and therapies readily available, including Hypnotherapy, which can have a significant impact on relieving some of the symptoms. However, unlike a supplement or pill, which deals only with relieveing the symptoms, hypnosis WILL help you deal with the CAUSE. Its effectiveness lies in the fact that the routes of depression reside in our subconscious mind, that part of us that controls our beliefs, feelings, emotions and behaviors. And it’s our subconscious mind that is responsible for believing in the erroneous or negative patterns of thinking, behaving and relating to others that are often the primary symptoms of depression.

Hypnosis bypasses the critical conscious mind and creates an alternative state of consciousness in which attention can be focused away from the present reality. Rather like day dreaming, attention can then be focused towards particular images, thoughts, perceptions, feelings, motivations and behaviors which will help change our habitual responses and learned behaviors, as well as help create new perspectives over past experiences. Because Hypnotherapy focuses on effecting change at our subconscious level, I’ve found it to be extremely helpful in relieving the symptoms of, and dealing with the causes of depression, helping clients relearn and respond to life in much more resourceful and positive ways.

Hypnosis is proven to be a fast and effective means of teaching people new ways of thinking; a vehicle for accessing new possibilities for feelings and behaviors, in a quick and integrated manner. If you would like to talk about relieving and overcoming depression, call me … don’t let that ‘black cloud’ keep you from the sunshine a moment longer!


More Statistics

Twice as many women as men are diagnosed with depression/anxiety. However, this may simply indicate that men are less comfortable seeking help or do not get an accurate diagnosis since depression/anxiety in men often manifests itself as a substance use problem.

Depression Statistics: Women Fact Information

Women are twice as likely to experience depression/anixety as men.

Approximately 7 million women in the United States are clinically depressed.

One in five women can expect to develop clinical depression at some time in her life.

Depression/anxiety is the leading cause of disability in women.

Only one of every three depressed women will seek professional help.

Almost 15 percent of women suffering from severe depression will commit suicide.

About 10 percent of women will experience postpartum depression in the months following the birth of a child.

Married women have higher rates of depression than single women, with depression most likely during childbearing years.

Depression/anixety in women occurs most frequently between the ages of 25 and 44.

Depression Statistics: Men Fact Information

Though women experience depressionanxiety at double the rate of men, men are three times as likely to commit suicide than women.

Suicide is most common among men who are separated, widowed, divorced.

One in seven men will develop depression/anxiety within 6 months of becoming unemployed.

Retired men are also at an increased risk for depression/anxiety.

Men recently diagnosed with depression/anxiety are at double the risk of cardiovascular problems in the next five years.


Depression Statistics: Children Fact Information

Research indicates that the onset of depression/anxiety occurs earlier now than in past decades.

During childhood, boys and girls experience depression/anxiety at about equal rates.

Girls entering puberty are twice as likely than boys to experience depression/anxiety.

Children with depression are more likely to have a family history of depression/anxiety.

A nationwide survey of Canadian youth by Statistics Canada found that 6.5%—more than a quarter million youth and young adults between 15 and 24—met the criteria for major depression in the past year.


Depression Statistics: Elderly Fact Information

Depression/Anxiety affects about 6 million elderly people.

Elderly women experience depression/anxiety more often than elderly men.

Older people, as a group, are most at risk for suicide.

One quarter of all suicides are committed by the elderly.

Depression/anxiety occurs in about 15 percent of those over the age of 65.

Depression in nursing home residents can reach as high as 25 percent.

Only about 10 percent of the elderly experiencing depression/anxiety seek professional help.

Caucasian men over the age of 80 are six times more likely tan any other demographic group to commit suicide.

Older people with depression/anxiety have about 50 percent higher healthcare costs.



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